Auditing Courses

Auditing Courses

You may audit a course if you do not want to receive credits or a grade. You will not be required to complete out-of-class assignments and examinations, but fees and attendance requirements are identical to those of credit students. Audited courses may not be used to satisfy course prerequisites or course requirements, and are not eligible for financial aid or veterans benefits. Not all courses can be audited.

60 and over auditors

If you are 60 years of age or older, and a resident of Wisconsin, you may audit classes in our 100, 200, 300 level courses for free on a space available basis. Over 60 auditors will be able to register on the first day of the class at any one of the four MATC campuses to receive the reduced audit cost. All tuition will be waived; however, material and other course fees will be charged. The material and other course fees will appear under the heading “tuition”. If you register for the course before the first day of class, full tuition and fees will be charged and you cannot change your registration status to audit by dropping the class and re-registering.