Transitioning to College

Each student that goes to college finds their own way to adjust to the new surroundings. College represents freedom, eagerness and anticipation of new experiences. College can also represent some nervousness and anxiety. Students are shifting from a familiar environment to a new, different and unfamiliar environment with different expectations.

There will be new challenges. Students will have to adjust to new routines, and meet new and varied people.

  • Students will need to develop the ability and discipline to manage time.
  • They will need to develop the ability and discipline to balance demands.
  • They will need to decide when to schedule their classes, keeping requirements for work and free time in mind.

Overall, students will have a greater degree of independence, which can initially be overwhelming for some and may require some trial and error. As they are exposed to new values and behaviors, they also may try new things.

Students will learn to take initiative, to accept responsibility, and in so doing, begin to relate to peers, instructors and you in new ways. A sense of independence grows out of this process, which assists students in building confidence and discovering their values, interests and strengths. Throughout the first year of college, students will have to meet a series of challenges, and all are part of an important period of exploration and discovery.

You, as a parent, have done an excellent job preparing your son or daughter to begin college. Although you will not be with your student throughout the day, there will be new people he or she can contact to get questions answered. These staff members look forward to assisting your student with making a positive transition to MATC and having a productive and successful college experience