Ola Sellers at MATC's Spring Commencement inside Fiserv Forum
Possessing a keen business mind has no expiration date. Ola Sellers can attest to that.
She completed MATC’s Marketing associate degree program in May 2022 at the age of 70. Sellers had attended college classes over the years but had not completed a degree, so she was eligible to apply for the MATC Promise for Adults scholarship. She plans to open a boutique selling plus-size women’s clothes.
There were times I was going to throw in the towel, but MATC has amazing resources to help you get through almost anything.
What interests you about your new career?
I love to bring beauty to people. I love to serve them and to put a smile on their face. I’ve always had a passion for retail, but I’m not sure that brick and mortar stores reach enough people. The online avenue can reach not just Wisconsin, but the whole world. I would love to serve people all around the globe.
Did the pandemic affect your coursework?
I was taking in-person classes and, because of the pandemic, switched to online courses. At first I was horrified about going online, but I really learned to love them.
How was your experience as a college student?
The younger students and I got along great and interacted very well. They were always asking me about my life’s journey because I already was a mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother. There were times I was going to throw in the towel, but MATC has amazing resources to help you get through almost anything. It’s been a wonderful journey.
See the CBS-58 (WDJT) story about Ola Sellers: tinyurl.com/MATCgrad.