May 2, 2019
Milwaukee Area Technical College will hold its annual “Portfolio Night,” which showcases career-centered portfolios of MATC students’ creative work, Thursday, May 9, at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus in the Main Building, 1015 N. 6th St.
Members of industry are invited to review a showcase of portfolios and career-ready skills of approximately 150 students from 11 MATC associate degree programs from 4:30-6 p.m. The general public is invited to view the portfolios from 6-8 p.m. The exhibit is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by MATC’s School of Media and Creative Arts.
The music occupations and audio production students will exhibit in the School of Media and Creative Arts Galley behind the Sixth Street Café on the first floor; all other programs will be on display in M605.
The following programs will be represented:
- Animation
- Audio Production
- Computer Simulation and Gaming
- Entrepreneurship
- eProduction
- Graphic Design
- IT Web and Software Developer
- Music Occupations
- Photography
- Television and Video Production
- Web and Digital Media Design
Visitor parking vouchers will be available for $2 in the parking structure at North 8th and West State Streets.
For more information, call (414) 297-7492, or write