Program Information
Location: Downtown Milwaukee Campus
- Pathway: Creative Arts, Design & Media
- Program Code: 31-316-1
- Offering: In-class
- Degree Type: Technical Diploma
- Start Dates: August/January
About the Culinary Assistant Diploma
You will learn basic theory and techniques of food production and service through a combination of lecture, demonstration and hands-on experience. The program is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in the food service industry.
Graduates typically are employed as cooks and management trainees. With experience, opportunities exist for advancement to chef and/or manager.
You can earn the Food Service Assistant technical diploma on the way to completing this diploma.
Additional program details: Students will need reading aptitude and basic math problem-solving skills. A high level of physical stamina, an ability to relate to others, and the ability to work rapidly for extended periods of time are important.
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Detailed Program Information
2024-25 Curriculum
Course | Course Name | Credits |
CULART-100 | Introduction to Food Service/Hospitality Industry ‡ ^ | 1 |
CULART-116 | Mise en Place/Culinary Fundamentals ‡ ^ | 2 |
CULART-117 | Nutrition for Culinary Arts ^ | 1 |
CULART-118 | Sustainable Food Communities ^ | 1 |
CULMGT-112 | Food Service Sanitation ^ | 2 |
ENG-195 |
Written Communication ‡ (or) ENG-201 English 1 ‡ |
3 |
MATH-134 |
Mathematical Reasoning (or) Any 200-level MATH course |
3 |
CULART-107 | Field Experience in Food Service/Hospitality Industry ‡ | 1 |
CULART-114 | Food Advocacy ‡ | 4 |
CULART-103 | Culinary Arts Practicum ‡ | 2 |
CULART-122 | Stocks, Soups and Sauces ‡ | 1 |
CULART-124 | Meat Identification and Fabrications ‡ | 1 |
CULART-126 | Seafood/Shellfish Cookery ‡ | 1 |
CULART-128 | Vegetables, Starches and Grains ‡ | 1 |
CULMGT-101 | Menu Planning and Design | 2 |
CULMGT-105 | Culinary Math and Cost Control | 3 |
29 |
‡ Prerequisite required.
^ Counts toward earning the Food Service Assistant technical diploma.
Program curriculum requirements are subject to change.
Current MATC students should consult their Academic Program Plan for specific curriculum requirements.
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2024-2025 Program Flyer
2024-2025 Spanish Program Flyer
Important Dates
Deadlines and important dates can be found on:
Cost & Aid Deadlines
Also, you can find dates and deadlines on the MATC Events Calendar
Program Outcomes
- Apply principles of safety and sanitation in food service operations
- Apply basic principles of nutrition
- Demonstrate basic culinary skills
- Assist in food service management
- Plan menus
- Explore food service financial information
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Creative Arts, Design & Media Academic & Career Pathway