Program Information
Location: Downtown Milwaukee Campus
- Pathway: STEM
- Program Code: 10-605-3
- Offering: In-class
- Degree Type: 2-Year Degree (Associate)
- Start Dates: August/January
About the Computer Electronics Technology Degree
Learn to develop, install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair computers and processors in manufacturing and control systems. Work with edge computers, smart sensors, and networking hardware and software. This program is manufacturing and hardware focused compared to IT related programs.
Job outlook is strong for computer electronics technicians with skills to perform installation, configuration, upgrading and maintenance of computer and network systems, and who can develop technical software.
You can earn the Electronics Technician Fundamentals technical diploma on the way to completing this associate degree.
Additional program details: To prepare for a technical career in the computer networking field, you will learn through extensive hands-on experience how to install, use, maintain, troubleshoot and repair computer and network hardware and software. The program includes the most popular operating systems including Windows, OS X, and other Linux-based operating systems. Network devices, systems and servers will be installed and configured. Administrative tasks will be performed on Windows and Linux-based servers. You will establish iPad and Android-based tablet interaction with other computer systems. Computer hardware will be installed and maintained. Programs are written in C++ and Intel processor assembly language to further understanding of the computer system.
Manual dexterity and good observation skills are important for success.
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Career Outlook
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Detailed Program Information
2024-25 Curriculum
Course | Course Name | Credits |
QETECH-200 | Fundamentals of Engineering | 3 |
ELCTEC-110 | DC/AC Electronics 1 ‡ ^ | 4 |
ELCTEC-130 | Digital Electronics ‡ ^ | 3 |
ENG-195 | Written Communication ‡ (or) ENG-201 English 1 ‡ |
3 |
MATH-115 | College Technical Mathematics 1 ‡ ^ | 5 |
ELCTEC-111 | DC/AC Electronics 2 ‡ ^ | 3 |
ELCTEC-120 | Electronic Devices ‡ ^ | 4 |
ELCTEC-140 | Microprocessors ‡ ^ | 3 |
ELCTEC-186 | Fabrication Techniques ‡ | 1 |
ENG-197 | Technical Reporting ‡ (or) Any 200-level ENG or SPEECH course |
3 |
MATH-116 | College Technical Mathematics 2 ‡ | 4 |
ELCTEC-150 | Data Communications and Networking ‡ | 3 |
ELCTEC-173 | Computing With C ‡ | 3 |
ELCTEC-174 | Hardware Systems ‡ | 3 |
ELCTEC-178 | Software Systems ‡ | 3 |
ELCTEC-172 | Input/Output Programming ‡ | 3 |
ELCTEC-176 | Computer Networks ‡ | 3 |
ELCTEC-179 | Advanced Computer Systems ‡ | 3 |
ELECTIVE | (One credit) | 1 |
PSYCH-199 | Psychology of Human Relations (or) PSYCH-231 Introductory Psychology |
3 |
SOCSCI-197 | Contemporary American Society (or) SOCSCI-203 Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
‡ Prerequisite required.
^ Counts toward earning Electronics Technician Fundamentals technical diploma.
Program curriculum requirements are subject to change.
This Associate in Applied Science program will transfer to one or more four-year institutions.
Official Wisconsin Technical College System program title: Electronics – Computer
Current MATC students should consult their Academic Program Plan for specific curriculum requirements.
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2024-2025 Program Flyer
Important Dates
Deadlines and important dates can be found on:
Cost & Aid Deadlines
Also, you can find dates and deadlines on the MATC Calendar
Program Outcomes
- Apply electronic theory to practice
- Operate test equipment
- Build electronic circuits and systems
- Evaluate the operation of electronic circuits or systems
- Communicate technical information
Admission Requirements
One year of high school-level algebra.
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STEM Academic & Career Pathway