MATC and Wisconsin Technical College Prepare to Train Skilled Workers for Foxconn

Ginny Gnadt, Public Relations Coordinator

July 28, 2017

Milwaukee Area Technical College has participated in many news stories about the announcement that technology giant Foxconn will build a huge plant in Wisconsin and possibly employ 13,000 workers.

MATC President Dr. Vicki J. Martin released this statement:

"Milwaukee Area Technical College is excited by the announcement of Foxconn and the prospect of bringing more than 10,000 job opportunities to the region. These are the kinds of family-sustaining jobs so important to the future of our students and our community. I look forward to partnering with them to meet the needs that come with a tremendous influx of new jobs.

As the largest of the Wisconsin Technical Colleges in the state, MATC serves more than 36,000 students each year with more than 200 program areas, which include robotics, engineering, information technology and automated controls. MATC is also responsive and nimble at working with businesses to modify or add programs to meet specific industry needs. We look forward to quickly connecting our students and graduates to upcoming job opportunities, as well as building the customized technical training that will be needed for many years to come."

Dr. Martin was interviewed by multiple publications about MATC's outreach to industry in terms of preparing workers for specific jobs and fields of study. MATC electronics instructor Tom Heraly participated in television interviews about MATC's electronic technology programs, which would prepare workers for some of the jobs offered by Foxconn. Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Morna Foy also was interviewed on behalf of the WTCS.

Here are links to highlights of the coverage:

Biz Times

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Milwaukee Business Journal


